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Durable Power of Attorney

What Is a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare?

A Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (DPOA-HC) is a legal document that allows a person to designate someone they trust to make medical decisions on their behalf if they become unable to do so. Unlike a general power of attorney, a DPOA-HC only applies to healthcare decisions and remains in effect even if the individual becomes incapacitated.

Why is a DPOA-HC important?

  • Ensures medical wishes are followed if a patient is unconscious, has advanced dementia, or cannot communicate.
  • Prevents family disputes by legally designating a decision-maker.
  • Works alongside other advance directives, such as a living will, to provide comprehensive guidance on care preferences.

How does a DPOA-HC work?

  • Must be signed while the person is still mentally competent.
  • Goes into effect only when the individual is unable to make decisions.
  • Allows the chosen agent to make medical choices, including treatment options, surgery approvals, and end-of-life care.

How Solace can help

A Solace advocate can help facilitate conversations about healthcare preferences, provide guidance on completing a DPOA-HC, and ensure doctors and caregivers have access to the document when needed. Advocates can also help coordinate care based on the patient’s wishes to make sure decisions always align with their values and medical needs.

What to do next

Need help understanding or setting up a DPOA-HC? Talk to a Solace advocate today.