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Medical Power of Attorney

What Is a Medical Power of Attorney?

A medical power of attorney (MPOA) is a legal document that allows a trusted person (known as a healthcare agent or proxy) to make medical decisions on behalf of someone else if they become unable to do so. This ensures that healthcare preferences are honored in situations where a person cannot communicate their own decisions.

When does a medical power of attorney take effect?

  • Incapacity: It only becomes active if a doctor determines that the individual is unable to make medical decisions due to illness, injury, or cognitive decline.
  • Temporary or permanent situations: This could include coma, advanced dementia, or severe illness that impairs decision-making.
  • Revocable at any time: As long as the person who assigned the MPOA is mentally capable, they can change or revoke it.

Who should be a healthcare agent?

  • If assigning an MPOA: Choose someone who understands your values and wishes, can advocate for your best interests, and is willing to make difficult healthcare decisions if needed.
  • If becoming an MPOA: Be prepared to honor the wishes of the person assigning you and communicate effectively with their medical team and loved ones.

How Solace can help

A Solace advocate can help you understand the role of a medical power of attorney, organize healthcare documents, and communicate medical preferences with providers and family members. Whether you're considering assigning an MPOA or taking on the role for a loved one, an advocate can provide guidance and support.

What to do next

If you need help understanding or managing a medical power of attorney, a Solace advocate can assist. Find an advocate today.