Liz's Story

“My dad is so good at pretending everything is fine. His Solace advocate is an expert who helps me trust that everything is actually being taken care of.”
Liz was worried about her dad, who was experiencing sudden dizziness.
Her father, Charles, lived alone and was experiencing frequent dizziness and nausea. His symptoms continued to worsen until he could no longer walk around his home without feeling sick.
Because Charles took pride in being self-sufficient, his daughter knew he’d be unwilling to ask for help, and she had to pry for every update. His doctor had referred him to an ENT specialist and a neurologist, but when Liz spoke with her father, he hadn’t heard back from either.
So, Liz reached out to Solace.
Charles was paired with an advocate who understood him.
Getting Charles to agree to the first call was a hurdle, but he was slowly won over by the driven mindset of his advocate, who used her nursing background to review his medical records and create a unique care plan for moving forward.
Charles’s advocate reached out to his primary care physician and pulled together all the information for his referrals. She got appointments that were three weeks out instead of three months, and she handled all the intake paperwork to make sure his full health history was accounted for. She even called Charles’s insurance provider to double-check his coverage and make sure there were no surprises along the way.
Charles was diagnosed with acute vertigo and given a list of simple exercises he could do at home, as well as an easy-to-follow medication schedule. The advocate also shared Charles' care details with his daughter, giving Liz the peace of mind she needed.
The advocate called daily to touch base. With regular check-ins and compassionate care from his advocate, Charles was back on his feet in a matter of weeks.
Now, when a question comes up about Charles' health, his Solace advocate is only ever a phone call away.
*We’ve changed some names to protect personal health information, and this isn’t Liz's actual photo—but Liz and Charles are actual people, and this is their story with Solace. Used with permission.