Navigate Senior care with confidence

Solace connects you with experienced senior healthcare professionals so you get the care you deserve - at no cost to you.

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Trusted by over 8,000 patients and families
Solace is covered by Medicare and Medicare Advantage so you pay nothing out of pocket.


How Solace Works

During your first visit, you'll meet with a Solace doctor who will listen to your health goals and match you with the right Care Champion for you.

  • Simple virtual visit
  • Attend from anywhere
  • Completely free
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Meet Your Care Champion

When you meet, your Care Champion will get to know your story and develop your personalized care plan. Choose the day and time that works for you!

  • Get help as soon as today
  • Personalized care
  • Real people, not a call center
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Ongoing Health Help

Whatever you need, for however long it takes. Your Care Champion will listen to your needs, update your care plan as needed, and make sure you get the best possible care.

  • Talk to your helper anytime
  • Get updates instantly
  • Keep family in the loop
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Covered by Medicare

Solace is covered by Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, meaning you'll pay nothing for any Solace session, no matter how much help you need.

  • Personalized support, always
  • No strings attached
  • Always free
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We Make Senior Care Easy

Clear Communication
We'll help keep your entire medical team on the same page with any updates on your health.
Empower Your Decisions
Your Care Champion will help you make those important health decisions with confidence.
Organize Your Records
We'll help you keep your medical records organized so you always have what you need.
Manage Medications
We'll keep track of your prescriptions and intake schedule so it's easy to follow your doctor's orders.
Fight for Your Health
We’re here to listen to your wishes, speak on your behalf, and get you the dignity and respect you deserve.
Emotional Support
Your Care Champion is your personal helper, compassionate advocate, and cheerleader.

Care You Can Trust

Our Care Champions are vetted health professionals entirely dedicated to helping you get the care you deserve.

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No Sneaky Fees or Hidden Costs

Solace is fully covered by most Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans. See if you qualify today!

See If You Qualify
of people reported less stress
when working with a Solace Care Champion
out of pocket for most commercial plans
of people felt more confident in their healthcare decisions
WE Help Caregivers, Too

Support for Everyone Who Cares About You

We’ll be at your side to help with every part of your health journey—and we’ll keep your loved ones up to date every step of the way.

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Beloved by Over 8,000 Patients and Families

Our Care Champion assisted with my dad, when he was undergoing a lung transplant. She was there when I couldn't be and treated my dad like her own. With a Solace Care Champion by your side, it is truly like having an angel with you.

Alicia D.
Solace User

My mom’s doctors and specialists weren’t talking to each other, and her medical records were a mess. Our Care Champion called until she got in touch with the right people and got mom’s care and medications ironed out. I’m forever grateful.

Kathryn B.
Solace User

My diagnosis became my identity. I didn’t feel like I had value as a person, only as a patient, and my questions weren’t being answered. My Care Champion restored my confidence and helped me more than I thought possible.

Helena B.
Solace User

After my husband's mom took a fall, it started to become more and more clear she couldn't live alone.  Our Care Champion took the burden off and the peace of mind she offers is indescribable! 

Jenny G.
Solace User

I can't thank my Care Champion enough for helping me get back some of my independence after being diagnosed with Parkinson's.  For moral support and asking the right questions your kindness made all the difference.  Your help has been invaluable.  

Kyle D.
Solace User

Our Care Champion is an invaluable resource - not only in terms of knowledge and experience but patience, compassion and willingness to go the extra mile! I highly recommend her!

Heather B.
Solace User

My sister and I were at a loss trying to find doctors for our father following his recent move to the area. Our Care Champion was able listen to my dad’s preferences, find doctors to care for his mental and physical wellbeing, and provide everyone with peace of mind. 

Lauren C.
Solace User

At 50, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and completely unprepared to manage my disease. I sought guidance from a Care Champion and wish I had involved her expertise sooner. Cancer-free today, I remain so grateful for her professional involvement.

Paul O.
Solace User

I began my search for a Care Champion after experiencing endless frustration trying to get sufficient communication from my own providers. It has been so nice having someone fully “in my corner” and committed to hearing me. 

Angela P.
Solace User

Two words: Life Saver.  We were overwhelmed with all the limits on my dad's Medicare Advantage plan and coordinating care after his release from the hospital but our Care Champion sorted it all out and got all his care on track. 

Chip C.
Solace User
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